Mushroom Introduction
Mushroom Introduction
Mushroom Introduction
(king) Oyster Mushroom
Oyster Mushroom
How to Grow Oyster Mushrooms
How to grow
Mushroom Introduction
King Oyster Mushroom
How to grow
Characteristics and discriminant
King Oyster mushroom
CharacteristicsAt the right time of harvest, the stem is very thick and long, and as it descends to the base, it forms a plump shape and the stem is full. It is very characteristic that the cap is relatively small compared to the size of the stem, the river is differentiated into an inverted triangle on the stem, and the top of the cap is flat like a piece. The overall shape of the fruiting body is candlestick-shaped. However, as it matures, the wrinkles are very developed, and the center of the cap surface is differentiated into a folded trumpet shape, and at the end of growth, it is very developed and descends to the half of the stem on the surface of the cap, completely exposed to the outside.
CharacteristicsThe size of the mature fruiting body of the European wild king oyster mushroom is 40-110mm, the length of the stem is 0-40mm, and some are short or absent. In fact, the shape of the fruit body generated under natural conditions is slightly larger with a cap size of 40-90mm, stalk length of 40-70mm, and stalk thickness of 20-30mm, and the color of the cap is from reddish brown to grayish brown in the early stage, and light grayish brown to light brown at maturity. Brown in color, but similar to European wild species. Spore shape is elliptical to fusiform, spore size is 10.0-12.5 x 5.0-5.5um, spore color is white to pale yellowish gray, biamiroid head.
The flesh is hard and full when you touch it rather than the shape
The cap of the mushroom does not bloom too much /
The length of the stalk is not too long
The mushroom has its own scent
The surface is shiny and has its own color
Items that do not contain damaged items or foreign substances